- Starbound save editor for version 1.2.3 for mac#
- Starbound save editor for version 1.2.3 Ps4#
- Starbound save editor for version 1.2.3 series#
Starbound save editor for version 1.2.3 for mac#
I've preordered starbound for Mac (and gifted about 6 copies to other friends as well) but my main avenue of ga It's been a long time since I've followed a game so closely for so long! I had a question for you. At least it's good to see PS4 buyers will get their hands on starbound as well. I'll get the PS4 when it's cheap and has a bigger library, I am already getting starbound on pc.You have the tools to make the universe your own and modify the game to suit your play style - add new races, biomes, dungeons, and quests - the possibilities are limitless Starbound - New Starbound has been built from the ground up to be multiplayer and easily moddable. Starbound was released out of early access in July 2016 for Microsoft. Starbound takes place in a two-dimensional, procedurally generated universe which the player is able to explore in order to obtain new weapons, armor, and items, and to visit towns and villages inhabited by various intelligent lifeforms. Starbound is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Chucklefish. Hi there! I would like to know if the game will be release on console. of 3 1 2 3 Next > g3n0k1n Void-Bound Voyager. Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by g3n0k1n, Feb 4, 2016. Female/male hairstyles no longer result in a female/male voice.In Starbound 1.4 you'll become a bounty hunter, taking on new quests to track down wanted criminal gangs, rise up through the Peacekeeper ranks and ultimately restore law and order in the universe! Additionally there's lots of other content including new dungeons, monster variants, new items, furniture pieces and more to discover Starbound On Ps4.It is now possible to use right click to cycle through the hair selections backwards when choosing hairstyle.Desktop 1.1.1: Players now have hair under their hats.Player's hair color can now be changed by the Stylist.Added a new mechanic allowing a player's hair color to be replaced with a dynamic effect using Hair Dyes.Desktop Fixed bug where long hairs would draw the front part in the player's feet when in reverse gravity.Desktop Added 28 new hairstyles.Desktop Fixed an issue where Stylist-only hairs were inadvertently available by randomizing your character.Desktop 1.4.1: Added a hairstyle identical to the one worn by the Princess.Hairstyles 164 and 165 resemble the hairstyles of Wilson and Willow, characters from the video game Don't Starve.Hairstyles 147 and 113 resemble Mereoleona Vermillion and Nozel Silva from Black Clover.

Hairstyles 53, 77 and 110 give the player visible eyebrows.Hairstyle 135 resembles Rosalina's hair from Super Mario Galaxy, evidenced further by the existence of the Star Princess set which references the same character.Hairstyle 163 is likely a reference to popular metal 'hair bands', such as Pantera (hence it being unlocked after beating Plantera).
Starbound save editor for version 1.2.3 series#

Hairstyles 26 and 20 look similar to those of the two fictional characters Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, respectively, from the American epic space-opera media franchise Star Wars.Hairstyles 24 and 132 look very similar to the Super Saiyan hair from the Japanese anime television series Dragon Ball Z, as Saiyans are considered a different species.

Hairstyle 4 resembles the signature wide flat-top hairstyle of Guile from the Street Fighter series.Hairstyles 109 and 124 through 132 resemble alien-looking and -themed hairstyles.Some vanity items that can be equipped on the head slot still show the player's hair, such as a Witch Hat. Certain vanity items also serve as hairstyles.